
Six Months Down

This week I am Six Months Pregnant!

A lot of people have been asking me how the pregnancy is going so I thought I'd take this space to give  everyone a quick update... A visual one! (A more detailed update is below)

How Stephen and I felt when we found out we were pregnant:

Our Moms' Reactions:

Our Dads' Reactions:

How I Feel Most of the Time:


And Other Times:

How Stephen Feels When He Has to Make Unexpected Mexican Food Runs:

What I'm Pretty Sure Baby Swensen is Doing in There:


Six months has gone by so fast! Things have definitely calmed down in the second trimester. The first was full of throwing up and crazy emotions but for the most part it's leveled out and I am much more comfortable. Well, despite being too big to bend over... The only ailments I have at the moment are a stuffy nose and an achy back, but I'll take that over morning sickness any day!
Our doctor says Baby Swensen is very healthy and strong, and I believe it, she is a non-stop kicker! She is big and strong enough now that Stephen can feel it too. According to the doctor, she can hear most noises by now; she kicks for her daddy's voice and all kinds of music (She especially likes the Temptations!) Stephen and I went and saw Phantom of the Opera at BYU (which was absolutely amazing, by the way) and she kicked the whole time. We like to think she's dancing in there!
The only thing bigger than my stomach right now is my appetite. I can scarf it away like never before and the one thing I want more than anything else always seems to be tacos. Or really any type of Mexican Food. There hasn't been anything too crazy yet, but Stephen is prepared and willing to wake up at 3:00 am to make me enchiladas if he needs to!
We couldn't be happier or more excited! We can't wait to meet our little girl!

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