Our Story

Once Upon a Time...
(November 2010)

...In a Land Far Far Away...
(Provo, Utah)

...I lived in a small apartment while attending BYU.

A few months earlier, my family had moved about fifteen miles North of me, in American Fork.  It wasn't long before my mom suggested I move in with them to save some money.  I wasn't thrilled at the idea.  All my friends were in Provo, I didn't know anybody in American Fork, and let's be honest, it's hard to move back home after living on your own for a year.  But after some prodding, I agreed and moved into my family's new house just before Christmas.


Around my second or third week in the singles ward, Stephen was playing prelude on the organ when, in his own words, "Suddenly this girl walked in and I said 'Whoa... WHO is the new girl?!".  

It didn't take very long to figure out that we're sort of perfect for each other.

While we were dating, my sister Lily (who was three at the time) couldn't quite pronounce either "Kelsi" or "Stephen", so we became "Tesky and Teben".  

Long Story Short...

...We Lived Happily Ever After.