
Happy First Birthday Belle!

Our Little Belle is One Year Old!

She had such a fun birthday weekend!
On Memorial Day we had a little pool party barbecue with all her grandparents, Great Grandma Follett, and all her aunts and uncles. She had lots of fun visiting with all her family!

And today, her actual birthday, we took her to the zoo for the very first time. She had so much fun seeing all the different animals... The monkeys, the otters, and the meerkats were her favorites!

The big, sleeping silverback gorilla was daddy's favorite!

Mommy loved the three grizzly bears!

We are so grateful for our little cutie pie and what a blessing she has been for us. It's been an amazing year!

We love you, Belle!


Belle Kisses

Belle has learned how to give kisses!

Though to be fair she hasn't quite mastered it yet...


She Really is a Funny Girl, that Belle...

The biggest lie every parent tells themselves (and believes) is that they are the one in charge.

Yesterday, Belle started to get cranky after lunch, her usual time. So I took her in for a nap. Normally when I put her in her crib she'll protest and cry for two or three minutes and fall into a knockout, a-jackhammer-couldn't-wake-me-up kinda sleep. This time, I took her downstairs, read her a story, and laid her down in her crib. I handed her her favorite stuffed goofy doll, tucked her in, and shut the door. The whole time she just stared at me with a completely neutral look on her face.

When I went upstairs, I turned the baby monitor on and heard nothing. Absolute silence.

I felt proud of myself. "Looks like all that difficulty in getting her to nap is finally paying off!" I told myself smugly. I was so proud that I decided to reward myself with a root beer and some me-time. I sat in my big poofy easy chair with my root beer and my book and had a very relaxing time. I thought I was the Queen.

Then after about twenty minutes I heard a noise.

It wasn't a whimper, or a yell, or a cry. It was singing.

I paused and put my book down to listen. I turned the monitor up and could make out a very faint "ba-da-ga-da-mamama-da-baba-dadada". Belle was babbling very softly in an almost melodic way, as if not to disturb me in my deluded relaxation. After a minute of sitting in my chair and staring at the monitor with this expression...

...I decided to go down and check on her. I slowly pushed open the door to her room and peeked inside.

She had reached through the bars of her crib and grabbed a little board book (Dr. Seuss' ABC's, to be exact) from off the dresser next to her crib, somehow managed to get it back through the bars, and was sitting up in her crib, turning the pages and singing softly to herself.


Belle's First Restaurant Trip

I know "Baby's First Restaurant Trip" isn't a usual milestone, but we're a family of foodies! This is a big one!
Stephen got a $50 gift card to Red Lobster from work this Christmas so we looked for someone to babysit Belle, but no one was available. It took us an embarrassingly long time to figure out that she was probably old enough to just come along. She had the time of her life!
She met a new friend while we waited to be seated. 

When we sat her in her little high chair she immediately grabbed the dessert menu and clutched it all night long. We ordered her a little plate of French Fries to nibble and she kept giving us a look that clearly said "This is the best day of my life!" We're glad she loves food as much as we do!


Monday Night with the Swensens

The best thing about going to the hospital is the free water bottle they give you.
I'm not even kidding. Depending on the nature of your stay (the only time I've ever been admitted was for child birth) they give you a wonderful, sturdy, 32 ounce water bottle, complete with straw and lid.
The water bottle in question is the reason I have to take several bathroom breaks every night but I don't care. I love it and so does Stephen. I share, but he has already claimed the souvenir water bottle we'll get for our second child. 
Every night, the last thing I do before bed is fill my water bottle with lots of ice and cold water and we both take a big gulp before we go to sleep.
Last night, due to working fifty hour weeks for year's end, Stephen was so tired that he kept falling asleep during a movie we were watching. Finally I asked if he wanted to turn the movie off and just go to sleep, to which he yawned his agreement. So I filled my water bottle and handed it to him for his nightcap. 
Stephen was so tired he forgot to take into account that the lid has two holes in it for the straw and he tilted it back to drink while lying down. By the time I looked up, half the water had spilled onto his shirt and the sheets.
"Honey!" I warned, but he had realized his mistake. Well actually, he realized his mistake from the beginning but was just too tired to care. But when the water started collecting at his chest and back, his eyes shot open and he stared straight up at the empty void as he lay there, petrified. 
"You have water on you!" I unnecessarily pointed out.
At this point Stephen was still half unconscious but aware enough to realize that sub-zero water was seeping through his shirt and against the sheets onto his skin. 
"Get. It. Off." he commanded in a low growl.
In my mind I responded "What am I, a sponge?" but for reasons even I don't know I reached toward the frigid puddle on his chest as if I could somehow clear the water off him without making it worse. I never reached the puddle though, because at this point the cold finally got to him.
He let out a noise that started as a low moan but in a matter of seconds escalated to a pterodactyl scream and leapt off the bed. He did what I can only describe as a Native American war dance while simultaneously spinning in circles, flapping his arms like a chicken, and ripping off his shirt in one fluid motion. All while screaming. 
Somehow, the baby slept through all this. 
Stephen, now shirtless and traumatized, did his best to dry the sheets with a towel but in the end, we had to use the blow dryer.
So after that little detour, we finally settled into bed. 
"Honey?" Stephen asked. 
"Yeah?" I replied. 
"Can I have a sip of your water?"



Happy Six Month Cranioversary, Belle!

That's right! It's been six whole months since her surgery in July and we just got the O.K. to stop wearing the helmet for good!

The saddest picture I have

It's been a struggle for all of us, but our little Belle Valory lived up to her name: Beautiful and Brave in every way. She's been a real trooper through the whole ordeal (surgery, helmet, and all) and is truly what they call a Cranio-Hero just like her daddy.

She's made great progress and the doctors say she's recovered beautifully. You can really see a difference in her head shape from when she was first diagnosed:

So, apart from all that head shaping, what else has Belle been up to for the last six months?


She Learned How to Go to Sleep All By Herself
In what was probably the best impulse decision I've ever made, I borrowed "Solve Your Baby's Sleep Problems" by Richard Ferber from a friend. Well... it wasn't really an impulse decision, we'd been throwing the idea of sleep training around for a little while but we weren't actually sold on the idea until reading the book (which we ended up buying). First of all its not what you think! It doesn't mean you just let your baby sit and cry until they finally go to sleep, it's a much more hands on approach that deals with teaching your baby how to be independent when it comes to sleep and self soothing. That's where the goofy doll up there comes in handy, he's her little sleep-cuddle buddy. Mommy, Daddy, and Belle are all much less cranky during the day when she sleeps all during the night!

She Learned How to Eat "Big People Food"
After weeks of wanting to sit at the table with the big people at dinnertime and struggling to get whatever delicious morsel was on Mommy's fork, we decided it was time to get her into some baby food. We tried making our own which was easy enough but she just would not eat it. So we just bought some instead and after a few tries she loves it! Her favorites are carrots, squash, and any fruits she can get her hands on (especially apples!)

She Learned How to Dance
She gets her sense of rhythm from her Daddy.

She Grew Enough Hair for Pigtails

Like most babies, Belle has that little bald spot on the back of her head from rubbing up on the car seat (though hers is probably more so from rubbing up on the helmet). But the rest of her hair grows freakishly fast, so much so that even the doctor made a comment about how long her hair was when she was being delivered, so she has two long little wisps of hair that fall down at the back. So what else can we do but pigtails? We pin her long hair as the reason a lot of people guess she's older than she is (it's certainly not her size, she's a little shrimp!)

She Learned How to Crawl
Belle has always had a habit of reaching mostly for things that are either dangerous, painful, or expensive. The family Macbook for example. So when she started rocking back and forth on her hands and knees like she was ready to crawl, I figured I'd give her a little incentive. She just loves to press the keys so I put it a few feet in front of her and what do you know she was off like a shot.

Her Favorite Things to Do Are:
Visit Daddy at Work (and steal his keys)

Play with all her Aunts and Uncles

Help Mommy with the Laundry

Play with all her toys

Play Xbox with Daddy

Take baths with her duckies

Help Grandpa Follett sneak up on Grandma Follett

Watch movies with Grandma and Grandpa Swensen
